How to get rid of chest fat fast!
Burn off your man boobs in the comfort of your own home with our specially created 15-minute bodyweight workout by New Body Plan’s Joe Warner that will get rid of chest fat – fast!
If you’re desperate to get rid of your man boobs – and have a smaller belly to boot – you’ve come to the right place! All you need to do to kick-start your journey to getting the body you want is complete this six-move circuit. It’s been designed to get rid of chest fat. How? By getting your heart rate up, getting a good sweat on, and releasing a powerful surge of those feel-good endorphins. The result? You’re going to look and feel fantastic!
None of the exercises require any kit so you can do the workout any time and any place. But if you do have a set of dumbbells feel free use them for the first two exercises. Doing so will increase the work load on your heart, lungs and muscles to ramp up the fat-burning, body-sculpting effects!
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The how to get rid of chest fat home workout
Do the following six exercises in order to get rid of chest fat fast! Stick to the reps and rest periods details. After all the reps of the sixth and final move, rest for the allotted time. Then repeat the circuit from the beginning. Do 4-6 circuits in total.
1 Squat
Reps: 10 Rest 10sec
• Stand tall with your chest up, abs engaged and arms straight by your sides (you can hold a dumbbell in each hand, if you have a pair and want to make the move more challenging!).
• Bend your knees to squat down as low as you can, either keeping your arms by your sides or raising them up to shoulder height.
Push through your heels to straighten your legs and return to the start position.
• Complete 10 reps, rest for 10 seconds, then go into move 2.
2 Lunge
Reps: 10 (each leg) Rest 10sec
• Stand tall with your chest up and your abs engaged (as with the last move you can hold a dumbbell in each hand if you want to make the move harder).
• Take a big step forwards with one foot, then lunge down until both knees are bent at right angles.
• Push off your front foot to return to the start and repeat, leading with your other leg.
• Continue, alternating your leading leg, until you have done 10 reps with each leg.
• Rest 10 seconds then go into move 3.
3 Squat jump
Reps: 20 Rest 10sec
• Stand tall with your chest up, abs engaged and arms straight by your sides.
• Bend your knees to squat down and swing your arms backwards.
Push through your heels to straighten your legs and jump powerfully off the floor.
Land on both feet and go straight into the next rep. Keep reps fast and fluid to get rid of chest fat fast!
• Complete 20 reps, rest for 10 seconds, then go into move 4.
4 Press-up
Reps: 6-12 Rest 10sec
• Get into the press up position on all fours with your legs and arms straight, your hands under your shoulders and your body in a straight line from head to heels.
Raise your hips and brace your core to keep your entire body stable.
• Bend your elbows to lower your chest towards the floor, but don’t let them flare out to the sides – they should stay tight to your sides.
• Go as low as you can, then press back up to straighten your arms and return to the start position.
• Do 6-12 reps (or more if you can!), rest 10 seconds, then go into move 5.
5 Plank jack
Reps: 20 Rest 10sec
• Get into position, supporting yourself on your forearms with your elbows underneath your shoulders.
• Engage your abs, then raise your hips so that your body forms a straight line from head to heels.
• Imagine you’re trying to draw your bellybutton in towards your spine to fire up all the muscles of your core, then hold this position.
• Without letting your hips sag, jump both feet out to the sides so your toes tap the floor, then jump your feet back in. Keep repeating this movement.
Keep your head and neck relaxed and keep your breathing controlled – don’t hold your breath.
• Do 20 reps, rest 10 seconds, then go into move 6.
6 Mountain climber
Reps: 30 Rest 60sec
• Get in the press-up position with your arms and legs straight and your wrists directly under your shoulders.
• Without letting your hips sag, draw your left knee up towards your left elbow.
• Straighten your left leg, then repeat, bringing your right knee towards your right elbow, then back out again. That’s one rep.
• Keep your abs engaged throughout and keep the reps fast but controlled.
• Do 30 reps, rest for 60 seconds, then go back to move 1 and repeat the circuit, for a total of 4-6 rounds to get rid of chest fat!
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